Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Journal of Hope (Entry 2)

12/4/09 (Day 2 of survival)

Leon and I awoke from our luxurious slumber, and looked around the room. We couldn't believe that so much had already happened just two nights before.. As curious as we were, Leon and I had thought it was best that we not explore this foreign base of sort. For all we knew it could be booby-trapped. There was a slight knock on the door, Leon did not hesitate to say to give us a moment to get out of bed to greet them in person and not appear to them as lazy slobs that they would most likely throw out of their base to their deaths of the flesh-eating creatures... As soon as we were dressed we headed towards the door calmly announcing to come in. The door slid open and an array of guns cocked and were ready to fire as they were directed to our heads... "Oh dear god.. What nightmare is this now!!.", was the only thought that had come to mind. So far the only person I knew the name and face of was Shelly, and at that moment she had stepped forward. "We need information about who the hell you are, because we don't need any backstabbing or secret murders for your own good. We know you've seen our supplies, now we need to know if we can trust you around them. But now, we do not have time to chat because we need to run another search party for survivors.." , she said.. Leon and I nodded our heads in agreement as they led us along the narrow corridors and armed us with our own set of defenses against the flesh-eaters. Leon and I were loaded, dangling from his back was a 12-Gauge shotgun just like the one I had seen that strange woman polishing and two large slings of extra ammo for it.. Dangling from his sides were two identical Uzis, and for emergency only, there were an array of knives hidden among his persona. I was similarly armed but instead of a 12-Gauge or Uzis, I was packing the same dual pistols I had been using before our voyage here, and a large Gatling gun with similar slings along my back as well... We set out to raid the super mall down the street, it was a supreme place for getting more supplies and finding survivors, but it was also pack-loaded with the flesh-eaters.

The roads were eerily quiet and deserted. If I could say anything about it, I would have thought something had just died, something big. I was grateful that the flesh-eaters weren't around, since it was so quiet and peaceful for once... I looked to the east and to my delight, there was the most beautiful sunrise I had ever seen since I had woken up... In fact, it was my first sunrise since then.. As we entered the mall, a sudden, eerie, silence preceded us.. We looked around the vast mall and stood in bewilderment as we saw no flesh-eaters.. This was all so confusing, I just couldn't understand what exactly happened there but I knew it wasn't normal.. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a foot turn the corner in a flash. I turned the corner hoping to see a survivor of sort, but I saw nothing... I saw a large clothing store and decided to take a look around. I looked at my clothes in disgust. They were the same clothes from the hospital and they were covered in filth and flesh eater blood. As I walked down the aisles I looked at some of the more mature clothes intriguingly and decided to pick out a few. In my hand I held a white spaghetti-strap tank top to put on underneath the low-cut cream colored blouse along with some torn blue-denim shorts. I decided to have a laugh and picked out a black laced bra and thong and headed to the dressing rooms. I checked every little corner of the dressing rooms to make sure no flesh eaters would get me while I stripped down to my most vulnerable lack of defenses that I called skin cells. I quickly ran over to the counter and removed the alarm-tags. I went back to the dressing rooms and did another complete check of the place. Luckily for me, it was deserted since no one had used it for a while. I stripped down and quickly threw on the new clothes. The thong was a bit awkward to get used to, but it was extremely light and easy to maneuver in. When I was completely dressed I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror. My face had a slender feminine point and soft, plump cheeks that filled out the cheek bones. For looking about 25, I didn't look half bad! I looked at my lean waist somewhat in disgust since I looked somewhat anorexic and bony. My legs also looked rather bony, but the muscle I once had appeared to be slowly returning. I stopped to laugh as I looked at my breasts; from what had been C's when I was 15 around the time I got hit by the semi, became size D around my twenties. Even though my breasts had gotten bigger, there was one thing that stopped me in my tracks that amazed me... My red hair that was once a short wavy mess, was now a long, elegant, wavy mess with soft spiraled curls lining the front of my hair. I brushed it out of my eyes as I saw a figure looming over me.. I turned quickly grabbing a pistol and aiming directly forward towards the figure. "WHOA WHOA WHOA don't aim that at me!" the figure was a young teen, possibly about 23-24 looking at me with gawking young eyes. "Holy crap you just scared the shit out of me!", I said. "Oh, I'm sorry", he said looking at me ashamed of what he had done. I sighed and laughed to myself as I put on all of my ammo belts and re-strapped my guns to my back. "Damn you're packing some firepower!".. "During times like these, I'm glad I've got so much", I said. Suddenly a slight clink of hangers caught my attention. The teen shoved me into the dressing room and immediately locked the door and looked at me. "Lady, I have no idea who you are but right now you have to shut up, GOT IT?! Out there is probably one of the biggest and sliest zombies I've seen yet and you do not want to mess with it! Let's just say that animal adoption place wasn't the best place to get hit by whatever it was that caused this mass hysteria. That zombie out there is as big and fast as a puma, but has the mouth of a wolf.. Not to mention the venom and camouflage.. I guess you can say I know this zombie first hand.. The only way that we are going to by-pass its sense of smell is by smelling like garbage... Lady, I know we've just met but you're going to have to trust me when I ask you this.. I need you to take off your clothes and blend your smell with mine or else we will both die...", he said. I stared deep into his dark brown, amber eyes and watched as he took off all of his clothes. I couldn't help but awkwardly stare, his skin was a silky, creamy brown colored. He looked a good part Indian and quite the charmer. I reluctantly started taking off all of my ammo and guns and now new clothes until I heard the clash of a mannequin breaking. I couldn't help but wish for Leon to be at my side but for now this stranger would have to do. I stood before him now completely naked and vulnerable. My eyes shifted uneasily as I kept a close watch on him.. His eyes never flickered down to stare at my breasts or even more perverted, at my vagina. I felt so exposed and uneasy, but there was something about him that told me that he was safe to be nude around.. His eyes met mine and I couldn't help but blush. What was this shock that came over me? I knew for certain I was in-love with Leon and Leon only but something had sparked yet a new interest in my heart... He came closer to me with a stern look on his face that told me it was time to "blend in". As he approached me, some feeling overwhelmed me, taking control of my body as I leaned forward and kissed the stranger dead on the lips... The feeling took me by surprise but somehow, I felt comfortable with it.. The reaction from the stranger was almost predictable, his eyes looked at me in shock, but his body responded almost positively as he closed his eyes and kissed me back sending shock-waves down my back. I could subconsciously sense that his penis was now erected, and he had no intent to stop kissing me. As we drew closer to each other, now heavily making out, I heard an array of bullets whizzing around the shop. "Oh SHIT! HURRY PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON BEFORE MY BOYFRIEND SEES US!!", I said to him in a worried tone quietly. I threw on my new clothes as fast as I could, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him doing the same and right as I slung my ammo and guns back onto my back, I saw the door get a good tug on the handle. I heard the voice of Shelly giving orders to look for survivors as I made sure to check that my new "friend" was fully dressed as I bolted out the door and fell over a big mound of sort, when I heard my friend screaming not to go... As I fell over the massive lump, I felt a searing pain running down my arm as I suddenly found myself flying into the wall and getting knocked unconscious.

(later that same day...)

I woke up with an oxygen mask wrapped delicately around my face, my hair was in a slight braid off to the side, I could hear the monotone beep of the computer next to me. It all seemed like a daze, and it felt like I was back in the hospital, subconsciously watching myself in a coma. But what was I to learn here, if at all anything? I saw the door to my room open as my grandmother slowly eased her way into my room. My heart ached as it realized that all the family I had come to love was dead, and all my friends had gone with them.. All I had left now was Leon, he is my only family.. I looked back and watched my grandmother as she leaned over the rails and whispered something into my ear.. "Dearest Shay, my aching bones are telling me that something bad is coming and that there wont be anyway to help you through it. My bones also tell me that I wont be alive much longer, I wanted to say that I love you and that you will always be my granddaughter, and if you ever need me just look deep within your heart and call out for me and I will come, even if you can't see me, you will know I'm there... As I do not know what troubles you'll be facing, I bought these for you just in-case you should need them. At that moment I saw her set her purse in her lap and from it she pulled out the two pistols that I had found in my clothes only what seemed to be only a night ago.. My grandmother kissed my cheek delicately and took my clothes where I would find them later in the bathroom with the pistols stowed away safely within them.. My stomach gave a big heave, and I felt another searing pain within me as my vision slowly faded to black. My subconscious seemed to whirl around in circles and it seemed like all I could do is flail my arms wildly until I lost all control of my body and fell limp yet again..

I awoke with a start as I shot up gasping for air as pain flared through my shoulder. I coughed as I started choking on taking in too much air and writhed where I lay as the spasm of my shoulder cried in agony. I looked around as I clenched my stomach in pain. As soon as the pain became slightly bearable, I stood up and started unplugging myself from the cumbersome machines keeping me in one place. I hobbled out of the room hoping to know where I was so that I could have a more peaceful state of mind. My stomach churned as I fell to the ground and spat out a huge glob of blood. My vision started getting blurrier and blurrier as I continued to drag myself along the floor until I knew where I was. There was an indistinct voice behind me and I looked behind me with blurred vision to see if I knew who the voice belonged to but all I could make out was tattered clothing and a figure running towards me.. "Oh shit.", I thought to myself as all I could think in my head was that it was a zombie. As the figure loomed over me I could still hear an indistinct voice that slowly became clearer as I thrashed around on the floor screaming at the top of my lungs.. "SHAY!!! SHAY!!! SNAP OUT OF IT, YOU'RE OK!!" I looked at the figure closely and saw that it was my new friend. How he knew my name I don't know, but I was glad I was in safe arms. I saw another blurred figure out of my peripheral vision and started squirming in my friend's arms. He held me tightly as I squirmed until the new figure got closer and only when the new figure hugged me tightly and kissed me on the lips did I know who it was.. From the searing pain in my wounded shoulder I felt as though I was about to faint, and braced myself by wrapping my arms around the two guys.. I tried to tell the guys not to let me fall but I had no idea if i had said that coherently as they walked me back into the room I was just in. The guys plugged me back into the machines that tied me down earlier and sat down in chairs beside me. I could feel the medicine flowing through my veins as my vision got clearer by the second and my hearing was back to what it used to be. I rubbed my eyes gently and shook my head as I tried clearing the odd sensations of the medicine now flowing through my brain. "Ugh, what the fuck just happened to me. Damn, I feel like I got hit by that semi all over again." , I said as I leaned over the side of my bed and looked at Leon. Leon just gave me this sad but angered look that sent chills down my back as I saw him get up and leave the room. "What the fuck is his problem? His girlfriend get the shit beat out of her and he looks at her pissed like she went and fucked another guy! FINE BE A DOUCHE LEON!" I looked over at my friend, who I still did not know his name, although I was hoping he was about to tell me. "Look Shay, he has all the right to be mad at you, after all you did kinda make out with me naked. But that's beside the point. He doesn't know that any of that happened, but the fact that you were with me in that dressing room was enough to cause suspicion. I'll talk with him later that you tried to tell me to get out of the building, but I insisted on trying to protect you and took you in the dressing room to keep you safe.. Oh, and before you start asking questions, my name is Nate, I am Leon's brother..." I could only stare in awe as I never realized the connection. No wonder I had been so comfortable with him in the clothes store! I paused and tried to come up with something to say, but I was too dumbfounded. I heard the door knob clink and looked away to see Shelly and the gang walking in filling up all the seats around me. Shelly stepped forward calmly, meeting my curious gaze with a stern, focused look in her eye. "It's time we all got to know each other..", she said.

It took roughly the entire night to finish all of the introductions and I had finally knew the entire bunch of survivors names by heart. There was Shelly, Kylie(aka Faber), Lakin, Justin(aka Fluffy), Chuckles, and Giggles. The newest additions to the group included myself, Leon, and now Nate. Based off of the stories they told me, Shelly was looking for her long-lost husband Sean who had gone missing in an enormous battle. Kylie was looking for her lover as well whose name escaped my focus. Lakin ran her own family gun shop and knew everything when it came to firepower, but how she connected to the group I didn't catch. Justin was a arcade manager and was the go-to guy when it came to games. He was best friends with Chuckles and Giggles who both looked like motorcycle thugs from a bar carrying a 12 gauge shotgun everywhere looking bad-ass, but were the nicest guys you had ever met. Leon's story pretty much consisted of hospital visits and family events. Mine was a very vague story since I was in a coma for 10 years. As for Nate, he plain out stated that his business was his own and if he wanted to share it he would. As everyone finished, they all left to head for bed as I lay in the medical room until further notice.. I hated that room so much, needles were everywhere and the room smelled of mixed herbs and spices. But surprisingly, the bed was very comfortable and it was easy to drift away into a deep slumber.....