Saturday, January 30, 2010

Journal of Hope (Entry 3)

12/5/09 (Day 3 of survival)

I slowly eased open my eyes as I started to wake up in the same boring medical room that had a strong pungent smell of herbs and spices. I stared at my left arm as it was now a bright purple. Whatever that zombie was in the clothing store, had given me a nasty bite and a half. The fact that I wasn't already a zombie myself had surprised me, since having seen and read so much about zombies it always started with one infectious bite. I looked up at the ceiling above me and grunted in disgust. Would I ever get out of here? I heard a slight squeak and saw Nate walking through the door. All I could do is smile and be happy I had a visitor. I tried to say "Hi", but as I made the attempt to speak all that I managed was a weak wheeze. Nate looked around the room as if there was something wrong but quickly walked over to me and kissed me right on the lips. I began to protest but all he did was put his finger to my mouth and said "Shh, don't talk, you're injured". From how hot my face had begun to get, I could tell that I was obviously blushing. He looked at my purple arm and met my gaze with a stern look. "The bite you got is a pretty nasty one, and what you're about to go through is a bitch to endure. You're going to get some suicidal thoughts, and you're going to start seeing things that will make you piss yourself. But, before you ask how I know all this, I'll show you" he said to me quietly. Nate took off his shirt and turned so I could see his back. A long scar that also looked like a bite lined his lower back. It was then that I understood what he had meant back in the dressing room. I felt tears sliding down my face as I thought of how lucky Nate is to have survived being attacked by that.. That thing!! Nate looked at me and laughed. "Why are you getting so torn up about it? It's only a little scar!" I couldn't help but feel even worse, so I turned away and looked at my arm completely terrified. I could sense that Nate had gotten closer to me but I didn't expect him to be literally in my face. The air grew humid as the air between us grew hotter and even more awkward as he gently put his hand on my cheek. I realized what was going on from there but I couldn't help but feel relieved. Nate leaned in closer and kissed me on the lips and sent shock waves tingling down my spine. He moved away from me and looked me in the eyes. "I'll be right back." Nate left the room and I leaned back in my bed. I stared at the ceiling as my mind began to wander going over what just happened when Nate came back through the door and locked the door behind him...

My muscles tensed up, as my heart pounded faster and faster with every step he took towards me. My eyes began to water and I could feel myself on the verge of crying. Why was he doing this? I kept asking that same question in my head to myself. Nate was now standing over me leaning over the rail of my bed. My eyes met his and I knew he could see that I was terrified. He embraced me and softly whispered, "Don't cry, I'm not going to hurt you and if I do you have every right to chop my nuts off on the spot". I sniffled, what he said had relieved me somewhat but it didn't solve the fact that I thought he was going to molest me or something. He met my gaze again, and kissed me gently on the lips. I felt another shock wave tingling down my spine while he kissed me. A wave of emotions took over and I wasn't sure whether or not to be happy, scared, or if i was having sexual feelings towards Nate. I kissed him back to test if my feelings were going to lead me to going further. I remembered back in the dressing room when I first met Nate and I remembered the moment we had standing beside each other nude. My heart beat faster the moment my lips touched his and I knew at that point that I was madly in love with Nate... I sat up in my bed as my arms slowly wrapped around Nate. His hands began to wander as I felt a cold hand sliding up my shirt. I moved away from Nate as his soft hand on my ticklish belly was not a combination that would end well, at least for him anyway... He chuckled and looked up at the monitor that I was hooked up to. He shut the monitor off and removed the IV's stuck in the nooks of my arms. He wrapped my arms with gauze so I wouldn't bleed everywhere and kissed me again, except this time he got into my bed and crawled on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him yet again and his hand again went up my shirt. I squirmed as his hand tickled my soft belly and he just smiled at me and laughed. He carefully slid his hand towards my back and unhooked the clasps of my bra. He slid the bra off of my body with ease as he slowly lifted up my shirt to take it off of me. A sharp tinge of pain surged through my arm when his hand gently bumped into it. I grimaced from the pain and a tear slid down my cheek. Although I was into the atmosphere that we were starting to create, the pain was too much for me. I shoved him off of me and he rolled over the railing of my bed as a new set of emotions took over me.. I could tell that this was the first stage of the side affects Nate had mentioned. My conscience desperately fought against my body, but eventually my will gave in as the side affects kicked in and I felt higher than a person smoking weed.

Things began to get really out-of-context in my head at that point. I had begun to hallucinate and one of the most fearful of images that came to mind first was Leon's death. Being savagely mauled by zombies as he tried to save me from my hellish nightmare. Despite how many times I would scream, the nightmare wouldn't end as it continued further with everyone I had ever known, even from my childhood. The sights morally killed me, as I felt my soul drift further and further away from me. I began to feel out-of-mind like I did while I was in a coma. I felt the last sliver of life that was left in me ebb away into a void of darkness... My life flashed before my eyes yet again as I felt myself fall to the ground, a soulless and useless lump of mass...
