Monday, February 21, 2011

Hetalia FanFic

Hi I know I've been neglecting my zombie story but this is just a quick post of a fanfic im writing for easy access:

This is a Fictional Fan-Made story about a song from the anime Hetalia. In no way shape or form do I claim ownership of any characters, songs, or plot line (except for this story which is ENTIRELY my own!) This FanFic is something I am working on with my awesome best bud Hayley (aka EAST or aka AMERICA) who is writing a Fanfic of Prussia's POV (Point of View).

This story is about Ludwig's character song Einsamkeit which means Loneliness in German. There is a fan made version in which Prussia is singing the song, and another in which the two brothers are singing the song in a duet. This is our (Hayley and I's) story behind how each version of the song came to be.

Characters that appear in this Chapter:

Germany: Ludwig Weilschmit

Prussia: Gilbert Weilschmit

Gilbird: Prussia's Loyal Birdie Companion (Old Fritz reincarnated as a birdie to watch over him(Prussia))

England: Arthur Kirkland

America: Alfred Jones

Spain: Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Rome: (Doesn't have a "Human Name" so I will call him Sensei Roma-san, or just Sensei and Rome lol)

Romano: Lovino Vargas

Italy: Feliciano Vargas

Canada: Matthew Williams

Ireland: (No official character for Ireland yet;or gender, so Ireland will be depicted as a tall redheaded girl. ;D ) Name: Erin Kelly (In Irish her name would translate out to "warrior woman of peace")

The Spiteful Duet: Part 1: Ludwig

It was a cold, dark and rainy night. Rain tapped at the windows as the small tavern slowly came to life. To each member that walked in, this small tavern was more than a run-down building, it was their home. Some new faces would find their way into this tavern and become a regular in less than a week flat.

"Oy! Daisy! Another round please!"

"I'm on it!.. *Hands the man a full jug of beer.* Here ya go Russel! Fresh out of the Keg!"

"Thanks Ms. Daisy!"

"Sure no problem!"

The atmosphere in this tavern was as lively as ever when the door opened and a cold chill came in ever-so-dramatically. Standing in the doorway, was a tall, muscular german with piercing blue eyes that scanned the room intently. Dressed in a Waffen SS uniform, the tall german looked frightening. The man stepped forward into the light and shut the door. The air grew tense and the tavern came to an eerie silence. The light shined down onto the stange man, revealing traces if his short blond hair underneath his hat. A smile stretched across the man's face as he removed his hat in a quick fluid motion as he yelled to his fellow Germans in the tavern.

"Daisy, give everyone another full round on me!!"

The tavern went wild with cheer and praise for the tall German.

"Ludwig! Ludwig! Ludwig!"

Even the young maidens who were now regular customers, shouted their praise for him.

*SQUEE* "Ludwig! WE LOVE YOU!!!"

A tall redheaded girl walker over to the tavern celebrity and hugged his free arm.

"Hey Ludwig, sing us a song will you?"

The young redhead said as her hazel eyes met his piercing blue. her face was a flush-red, a combination of being drunk, and the tell-tale sign of admiration. Ludwig chuckled as he put his hat back on slightly and places a large, rough, but gentle hand to the maiden's face.

"Now who told such a fair woman like yourself, that I can sing?"

The redhead pointed in the direction of a bulky, well-defined man with shaggy brown hair.

"He was practically boasting to Mrs. Daisy about how good of a singer you were, along with his skinny friend next to him. Apparently, the skinny one can play acoustic guitar."

With that last sentence, Ludwig knew who they were. The bulky one he should have known was Rome, and the skinny one was Antonio. Ludwig's gaze returned to the redhead.

"Alright, I'll sing one song for you young lady. But if you could so kindly ask the skinny one if he has his guitar for me, it would be greatly appreciated."

The girl's face lit up as she practically bounded over to Antonio. Ludwig stood arms crossed with an impish grin on his face. He watched as Antonio rose from the stool at the counter, and met Ludwig's cunning gaze. Antonio laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair. Antonio knew that he and Rome were busted, but he round that instead of yelling at them and questioning them, Ludwig was smiling...

"Surprising isn't it? Even Ludwig has a gentle side to him."

"Sensei Roma-san, are you planning to join Ludwig in whatever he has planned for us?"

"Of course! I owe him quite a debt for taking care of my grandson Feliciano. of course, I am grateful that God is a compassionate guy, letting me visit every now and then."

Ludwig began to advance towards them with a large grin on his face.

"Sensei Roma-san, Antonio, it's good to see you both here tonight! Now I have a favor to ask the both of you. The young, redheaded maiden that is sitting over at yonder booth, has asked me to sing a song. The only problem is, I have a song that I wrote for kicks, just to get a few things off my mind, but I've never actually had anyone play the tune.. So I have no idea how the music part will sound.. So that being said, Antonio, you can play the guitar if I'm not mistaken, and Sensei if I wrote a copy of the music score, you could play it on the drums right?"

"Sensei is quite remarkable on the drums, and I have no objections to playing the guitar. Although I must ask, acoustic or electric?"

"Acoustic for sure! Also Sensei, are you ok with being put on the drums?"

"Ah Antonio, you give me so much credit! Also, Ludwig, I can pull anything off, especially if it's with a set of drums!"

"Ok that's good to hear, I can get you both a score as soon as I figure out who can play the part for the electric guitar.."

The tavern door creaked open again as Arthur accompanied by Alfred and his little brother Matthew walked in.

"That's perfect timing! Thank you God for granting my wish!"

Ludwig ran over to Arthur and promptly started to pull him over to the rag-tag band. Alfred cheered Arthur on from the back of the tavern, after stressing the point that this time, he would be the hero of the night! Ludwig pulled some small scraps of paper from his back pocket, and quickly scribbled a copy of the score on them for his three friends to practice. After handing the pieces of paper to Sensei, Antonio, and Arthur, Ludwig stopped to call his brother at home and see if the house was still in one piece.

*The line rings for a couple seconds when it suddenly stops as Ludwig hears fumbling sounds on the other end. A loud crash is heard as Ludwig looks at the phone to see if the line got disconnected.*

"Bruder, are you there??"

"WEST!! Where the fuck are you??! Feliciano nearly drove me crazy!! He's finally asleep, now that his brother came over and calmed him down. He was crying for about an hour saying: "Doitsu, Doitsu!! Where's Doitsu!!?" Luckily his brother was able to -- "Is that that potato eating bastard??" -- Hey! Don't!! -- "Give me the phone Gilbert!" *More fumbling sounds while random dialing is heard from Ludwig's end of the line.*

"Listen here you potato-eating bastard! My brother has been worried sick about you! So get your ass home now! Also tell that asshole Antonio he's making breakfast tomorrow morning, because Gilbert can't cook worth a damn! -- "Oy! I can so!" -- So hurry the fuck up!!" --Click--

Ludwig just stared at the phone in confusion and closed his cellphone reluctantly. Ludwig glanced around the tavern at all the giddy commotion all around him. He could see that everyone was drinking and having a good time until Arthur quietly interrupted his train of thought when he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"We're ready whenever you are Ludwig."

"Very good, I think I have some spare clothes in the back from the time I brought Feliciano here for a drink, so I am going to quickly change into them."

"*Sigh* Hurry up will ya? I bet Alfred I could out drink him tonight! Tonight is the night he becomes the first one drunk!"

"Alright, alright. I won't take long I swear! Just take this time to practice alright?"

"*Ugh* Fine! Just remember what I said alright? Not too long!"

Ludwig headed to the staff locker rooms in the back of the tavern. He headed around the corner until he found his locker and briefly opened it and looked inside. Inside was a neatly organized collection of outfits he had for any and all situations that involved Feliciano. Ludwig also found his waiter outfit tucked neatly inside.

"A tux would be a little too much for this. Plus I don't want to imagine Gilbert's face if he were to walk in while I was performing.. Then there's Feliciano who would tackle me if he saw me in this.. AH! Here we go! I wondered where this went! Ah my trusty tank top.. *Ahem* I need to hurry otherwise Arthur's going to get pissy out there. Plus Lovino is going to lecture me about my whereabouts when I get home.. Well, I just hope the guys figured out the score.. Although.. *sigh* I can't believe I agreed to do this.. Why didn't I just turn that girl down nicely? Was there something about her that I couldn't resist? I'm so confused right now. *slap* GAH! I have to get a hold of myself! I signed myself up for this charade, and I am going to go through with it! No one can change my mind now, not even Gilbert!"

Ludwig heard the door to the staff room ebb open slowly and then close ever-so-gently. He thought nothing of it and continued to strip down to his boxers. Ludwig heard a loud crash of plates around the corner. Rushing around the corner, he saw the redheaded girl from earlier, face-down on the floor with some minor cuts from the broken plates around her. Looking around to make sure no one could get the wrong idea, Ludwig lifted the young maiden gently and laid her on a small bench by the lockers and began to tend to her cuts... The young woman winced at the touch of the peroxide on her cuts. Ludwig could tell that she was hurt elsewhere other than the cuts from the plates.

"Ah..great.. What to do now? If anyone walks in they're already going to get the wrong idea since I am just in boxers.. Plus, if Arthur walks in, he's not going to be able to keep his mouth shut.. *Ugh* she needs help, but I can't really do anything to help her.. I feel so helpless. WAIT! I got it! I can ask Daisy to help her!"

Ludwig hurried back around the corner throwing on his black tank top and some khakis and ran out of the door and into a very surprised Daisy.

"Oh my Mr. Ludwig! Are you ok?!"

Ludwig had not only run into Mrs. Daisy, but had caused the both of them to fall. Ludwig of course landing on top of her. Ludwig looked up to see what had happened when he saw that his face was immersed in Mrs. Daisy's breasts.Ludwig shot up immediately with a full flushed face of embarrassment.

"I am so sorry Mrs. Daisy! Really I am! I'm sorry I am in such a rush but I need your help!"

"My help whatever fo---"

Ludwig immediately pulled Mrs. Daisy into the back room to find that the young maiden was still there. But to Ludwig's surprise, she was sitting up straight and rubbing her head in confusion. The young maiden shot Ludwig and Mrs. Daisy both a confused look.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the staff locker room. I guess Mr. Ludwig here saw you take a tumble or something and helped you out."

"Ermm yeah."

"Well thank you Ludwig. Although I am sorry I can't hold my liquor down very well."

"It's fine really. I just, couldn't leave you on the floor like you were."

"Aww how sweet Mr. Ludwig! Could it be that you could possibly.. *Squee* Oh it can't be true! I wish you the best Ludwig!"

"HUUHHH! WHAT!!? I don't!.. Well anyway, I have to get out there before Arthur gets pissed off and gets a drink before the show."



"I forgot to tell you my name.. It's Erin Kelly."

"Well nice to meet you Ms. Kelly, as you've already heard, my name is Ludwig. Ludwig Weilschmit."

"Weilschmit.. What a pretty last name.."


"No problem. I can handle the rest from here. So go out there and knock them out with your awesome song!"

"But! You should come out with us, since you're the one who requested me to sing the song!"

"It's alright, I'll bet I can hear it perfectly from here."

"Ok. I'll come back and check on you when I am done."


Ludwig left the staff locker room in a professional manner. Rome, Antonio and Arthur were sitting and waiting patiently for Ludwig's return. Arthur was the first to notice Ludwig and walked over to him calmly.

"We're ready whenever you are Ludwig.."

It was now the big moment of truth. The moment that everyone would truly know Ludwig's feelings and understand. Ludwig walked calmly to the center of the built-in stage. There, stood a ready-to-use mic, just waiting for Ludwig to convey everything to the world with. Sensei was already sitting behind the massive drum set ready to jam. Both Antonio and Arthur did some last minute tuning of their guitars, and then met Ludwig's gaze when they were ready. Ludwig cleared his throat as he approached the mic. The tavern grew silent as curious eyes looked toward the stage.

"Ladies and Gents, upon request, I am going to sing a song. The song I've asked my friends to help me perform, is a song that I've took some time to write. It's a very personal song, so I hope you all enjoy it."

*Antonio begins to play a dark rhythmic pattern while Rome slowly joins in by softly playing the symbols on the drum set.*

Ludwig raises his head from his gaze on the floor. Overtaken by some new-found confidence, Ludwig begins to sing with all his heart.

"Enzetsu wo shiteiru to mietemo, tada no kaiwa sa. Betsuni. Toki niwa kewashii kao wa surukedo, tada samuinosa.

Kini shinaikedo. Chimitsu na sagyou ga tokui dakedo. Yubi wa futoi sa. Dakara. Aitai, tekitou toka iwaretemo. Genmitsu ni wa wakaranai. Einsamkeit. Einsamkeit. Einsamkeit. Tsukete hoshii."

The crowd stared intensely at Ludwig as he sang his song of lament. No one had ever imagined that he harbored such deep feelings of sorrow and loneliness. As he neared the end of the final verse, Ludwig could feel the weight of the world not only lift off his shoulders, but his heart as well. Maybe now Ludwig could actually smile, without having to fake his own happiness.

"Tsuyoku. Einsamkeit."

The crowd was silent for a brief moment, until applause was heard coming from the back of the tavern. Ludwig looked up to see who was applauding. to his surprise, there in the staff room doorway stood Erin Kelly, the redheaded woman from earlier, now marked with tons of little band aids. Others in the tavern began to follow her lead and were bursting into applause. Loud cheering echoed throughout the tavern, while the rag-tag band stood and hugged each other and then took a bow. Ludwig couldn't believe that people were cheering for him and his friends. He could feel the warm feeling that he had made a good choice, when he didn't turn Erin down.

"Thank you everyone, for listening to the song. Also thank you for being a wonderful audience, but now it's time for me to head home. I have a feeling that a pair of Italian cyclones have made a massive mess of my house."

Ludwig descended the small steps from the stage and headed for the door to head for home. A slender hand tugged at Ludwig's arm, pulling him in the opposite direction. Ludwig couldn't tell who was pulling him in another direction until he found himself being kissed dead on the lips.

"Consider that a thanks for earlier Mr. Ludwig."

"Erin.. Why?"

"So think you can sing another song for us tomorrow night? Either that, or join me for dinner as my thanks for taking care of me?"

"I think I can get Gilbert to watch over Feliciano again.. Unless he has to go somewhere, of course. But if there's no one to watch over Feliciano, do you mind if I being him down with me? I can't leave the kid all by his lonesome. I mean heh, I am already in enough trouble with his older brother for not being home early."

"Of course! Feliciano sounds like a cute adorable little kid! So I guess I'll see you tomorrow night?"

"I'll do my best to make it!"

Erin smiled and turned and walked back over to a table full of girls who all stared and smiled at the now blushing Ludwig. Ludwig turned and saw Arthur on the ground laughing as hard as he possibly could, while both Antonio and Rome smiled and gave Ludwig the thumbs up. Alfred and Matthiew stood beside a choking Arthur and tried to calm him down when Ludwig turned and walked out into the cold to head home.


The house was dead silent when Ludwig walked in after a long night full of emotions. He couldn't believe he had so stupidly forgot his jacket when he left the tavern. Now, Ludwig couldn't control his now cold and runny nose. Ludwig still couldn't believe all the events that took place that night. Not only did he have a date tomorrow night, but she didn't care if he brought Feliciano! *sniffle* How was he to tell Gilbert about this? Surely he wont approve of Ludwig's decision. A light flicked on as he saw Gilbert sitting in one of the many armchairs within Ludwig's house.

"Where the hell were you?! Damn! Lovino already headed home, but thanks to you, he wouldn't stop bitching about you abandoning Feliciano!"

"Hey! I'm sorry I got held up at the bar, but you wouldn't believe it bruder! I actually have a date tomorrow! Also she wants me to bring Feliciano!"

"EH!? West! But I already told you I have a date with Hungary tomorrow night! Who is going to take care of that Austrian bastard?! Because he was going to come over here when I pick up Hungary! Damnit! You would do this West! Anyway, I guess my awesome rubbed off on you if even just a little bit little bro!"

*Gilbird flies in and lands on Gilbert's head.*

"Piyo. Piyo."

"See!? Even Gilbird is proud of you little bro!"

"Err yeah.. Well I need to go to sleep and so do you bruder since we both have dates tomorrow evening."

"Feliciano is already sleeping soundly in your bed."

"WHAT!? Damn. Move over to the couch bruder. I am going to sleep in that armchair."

"Fuck that! This is where I am sleeping since I don't wanna hear you and Feliciano's snoring.."

"If you wont move bruder, I'll just have to sleep on top of you!"


"Ha! You so fell for that one bruder! I can't beli--ATCHOO!!--"

*Panicks* "WEST! Are you ok!? You dumb fuck!! You seriously walked home in that weather didn't you?!"

"Well I.."

"So you did! Feliciano is just going to have to sleep on the couch tonight! Cause I can't have my little bro be sick and miss his first date tomorrow."

"But Feliciano is asleep.."


Ludwig hears a crash of some sort as he hears footsteps approaching quickly.

"Ve! DOITSU!!! *Glomp* I missed you Doitsu!!! I thought you had left and forgotten all about me!!!"

"Feliciano. I was just at the tavern having a few drinks. I would never forget about you! You're my dearest friend! You and Honda mean the most to me."

"Ve! You really mean it Doitsu? Then does that mean I can sleep in your bed with you tonight?!"

"*sigh* I guess.. Just.. Stay far away from my side of the bed.."

"UGH! Will you two get a room!? You two make it sound like some lovey-dovey Yaoi fanfic is being filmed in our house!"

"BRUDER! What in gott's name are you thinking in your head!!?"

"Kesesesese! Nothing important hehe. --Piyo. Piyo.-- I know right!? Well said Gilbird!"

"Feliciano. I want you to be on your best behavior tomorrow. Because I am taking you on a very special date I have with a girl tomorrow evening.. Can you do that for me?"

"VE! Is she pretty!? I like pretty girls!! Ve!Ve!Ve!Ve!"

"*Ahem* Yes, she is very pretty.. So don't do anything that would mess this up for me ok?!"

"Ve! I will do my best Doitsu!"

"Anyway we all need some sleep, and gott knows I will need some beer tomorrow morning. So let's all go to bed.. Bruder come on! Hehe let's let tonight be like old times when you tucked me into bed when I was cold and sick!"

"WHAT!? What the hell are you smoking!? *sigh* Just this once, and NEVER AGAIN! I swear if you tell Hungary or that Austrian bastard about this, I wont regret kicking your ass West!"

"Alright, Alright hehe come on bruder. Time for bed."

Ludwig led both his older brother Gilbert and Feliciano to his room where Feliciano didn't hesitate to dive into the bed. Gilbert however, was a little more reluctant and only slid into his little brother's bed when Ludwig swore he wouldn't tell anyone about him doing this for him. Ludwig being the cunning man he was, waited until both Feliciano and Gilbert were sound asleep when he finally made his move. Carefully sliding out of the bed, and making sure not to wake either of the two, Ludwig made his way to his living room and dove onto his couch. Such a nice and cozy couch. It wasn't long until Ludwig too had fallen asleep, dreaming about the next night when he would be on a date with Erin.


(To Be Continued...)