Monday, June 7, 2010

Journal of Hope (Entry 6)

12/8/09 (Day 6 of survival)

It was five in the morning when I woke up from my troublesome slumber. I decided to open one of the many windows that Kylie had programed to be secure, but allow us to get fresh air once and a while and gazed out into the horizon. I couldn't believe what I saw. A massive gathering of zombies had flocked to some foreign source of food on the horizon about 4 miles away. My stupidity got the best of me as I went to the nearby hunting store and changed into a Camouflage T-shirt and matching pants. I slid on some heavy duty and light pair of boots and headed to the salon. If I was going to keep myself out of range with those zombies, my hair would need to be short again. I quickly grabbed the biggest pair of scissors that I could find and put my hair in a ponytail. I took the scissors and chopped off the base of the ponytail right below the hair tie. My hair fell into uneven clumps on the ground as I took some of the combs equipped with blades and evened it into a shaggy, razor cut hairstyle and called it good. I decided that if was going to keep myself hidden a little better, I would have to color my hair as well. My red hair was too noticeable from afar. I grabbed a package of jet-black hair color and drenched my hair in it.

It was almost 7 by the time my hair was finished. Luckily for me, everyone in the group were late risers. I went back to the hunting store and caked my face and arms with camouflage paint. It was time to set out to kill some zombies. I knew that if my comrades saw me I would have to change my name to match my new description. I realized that Leon would recognize me the second he saw my eyes if given the chance. Against the hard green of the camouflage paint, my hazel eyes appeared to glow. I ran to a tattoo parlor and found some eye color contacts. I remembered back when I was 15, how I always wanted Blue eyes and always dreamed of getting some of these contacts. I grabbed the darkest blue eye color I could find and gently placed them on my eyes.

It was time to act fast and get out of the mall before anyone could wake up, so I bolted to the only exit I knew of that I could get out of with ease, the roof. I equipped myself with my favorite dual pistols, an assault rifle, a hunting rifle and several slings of ammo with combat knifes scattered throughout my persona. I took the emergency stairs up to the roof after carefully disarming and rearming the emergency alarm. Once on the roof, I carefully climbed down the side of the building using drain pipes to safely get down. When my feet hit the ground, I began my voyage to the horizon to investigate the zombie gathering..

I had almost reached the parking lot when a familiar voice stopped me. There, standing before me was Dr. Sean. How he had gotten out, I had no idea. But I wasn't going to allow him to stop me!

"Shay, you may look different on the outside now, but you can't run from your pregnancy. Especially now since there is little to no chance of an abortion clinic being open during the Zombie Apocalypse." He said to me in a harsh but gentle tone.

"Who said I'm running from it? You and I both know that I cant be with the group right now or else they'll be in danger! Look, I'll be back before you know it, just don't tell anyone where I'm going ok? Let's just say I'm off to get some retribution and when I come back I'll be a new woman."

"I never said anything about where you're going Shay. Just, that you shouldn't do it or else you might regret it later. Think about the options for both you and the baby. If you go out there, the chances of your survival are about 2 in a million."

"Then I guess I'm going to take my chances Dr. Sean, because I can't be with the group right now. So when I return, I expect you all to be alive and well! Also, don't go looking for me! Don't let anyone come looking for me!" I ran towards the horizon with my back to the doctor who was still trying to convince me to stop and come back to the group. I knew now that I had just made the decision of a lifetime, and that now, I couldn't go back....

I turned and saw Dr. Sean returning back the way he had gotten out, which surprised me. He had gotten out by simply using the ground floor door to some restaurant or something. I shook my head and continued my voyage into the barren city. It was extremely hard to navigate only knowing that the zombies were about 4 miles from the mall. I searched the nearest library to see if I could find a city map. Luckily, there was a grand abundance of maps as I grabbed one and headed back into the street. I found the little street I was on and tried to estimate what street the massive horde of zombies was on, but after 3 blocks of navigational estimates, I was horribly lost.. I found a small bookstore and decided to hold up for the night there. I pushed shelves in front of the door and cut the power. I found a small closet that I could lock my self in and get easily out of. With my pistols close to my head in case something should come along, I curled up in my little closet and fell fast asleep until I could begin my search again in the morning.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Journal of Hope (Entry 5)

12/7/09 (Day 5 of survival)

Everyone was on their toes as we set up our new base in this grand complex of a mall. Leon and I barely had any time with each other since we were both installing different defenses on opposite ends of this superior mall. However, unlike Leon, Nate was working on the same metal frames that would close any and all openings in the mall. We even took out the ventilation shafts to use to help secure the area. We placed barbwire and motion sensors in any shaft that we were unable to take apart or completely seal as we moved throughout the massive mall.

From across the way, we heard Kylie give the signal that it was time to take a break. Everyone stayed in pairs of two to three and ate food at whatever restaurant they could find. Nate and I found a small family owned restaurant towards the far back of the mall. There was little that wasn't in need of major cooking, so we sat at one of the booths in the corner. I couldn't help but feel exhausted from all the hard work. Lately, I had been feeling unusually tired and had a constant fever. Although I thought that if I told anyone about feeling horrible, they would worry and set the construction process back, leaving us open to attack. I remained quiet as I found a small bottle of Ibuprofen behind one of the cashier registers and took two pills and returned to the booth. Nate was staring at me awkwardly, so I looked back to see if there was something behind me just in case there was a zombie in the place. Next thing I knew, Nate had his arms around me as he grabbed my hands and tickled me unmercifully.

"HOLY FUCK! WTF NATE HEHE STOP IT!" I said as I squirmed in his arms trying to get free. Nate spun me around causing me to get slightly disorientated and kissed me on the lips. I looked at him trying to find the words to protest, but my heart seemed to rip the ability to refuse out from my persona as I returned the kiss lovingly. We began to make out as hands began to wander and clothes began to line the carpet flooring of the restaurant. Before I knew it, Nate and I had gone all the way with each other, and were still going. This was the most intimate I had ever been with Nate ever since the scene in the dressing room.

A wave of pain surged throughout my body causing me to shove Nate away as I held myself in pain. I managed to get all of my clothes on and walk out of the door to the restaurant, but I didn't get far from the door when I suddenly collapsed onto the hard floor. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see Nate running towards me when a figure in white gently lifted me off the ground and held me in their arms. The only thought that came to mind was that I just died and the figure in white was an angel here to take me on my final voyage. I shut my eyes as my body went limp and dangled lifelessly in the figure's arms.

(Later that day...)

I could hear voices surrounding me as I lay on the ground blissfully sleeping it seemed. The voices began to get familiar as I opened my eyes to see Kylie, Nate, Leon, and the new figure in white standing above me. The group smiled when I regained consciousness and began to stand up. The moment I stood up, my stomach began to churn in an unfamiliar way. To avoid suspicion, I ignored the pain and stood tall on my feet.

"Why is it always me that passes out or falls flat on my face in some shape or form and gets knocked out?" I asked Kylie with a slight chuckle to hide the fact that I was in severe pain. The figure who I now saw was a tall, broad, muscular doctor with short, dirty-blond hair looked at me suspiciously as he shifted his glasses to a more comfortable position. I knew that the doctor could see that I was in pain, but I was not about to tell him. I saw Shelly run at full speed towards the doctor with a large smile on her face. The doctor's face lit up when he saw Shelly and embraced her lovingly as he kissed her and started to cry.

"Shelly I'm so glad that we're reunited with each other! I cant believe that I've finally found you!" The doctor said to Shelly as tears slid down his face. "Oh Sean, I'm so relieved that you're alive! I was afraid that those damn zombies took you away from me for good!" cried Shelly as she kissed Sean and turned to face us with a smile on her face. "Everyone, this is Sean, my long, lost husband that I thought died during the early morning siege 5 days ago." Everyone just cheered for Shelly as we all walked back to the security room. I was still in massive pain and stayed towards the back of the group so no one would notice that I was having difficulties.

We entered our new maze of a base in the security room and headed to our rooms. Leon joined me in our bedroom as everyone began to settle down for the night. As soon as Leon was dead asleep, I slipped out of the bedroom quietly and began to head for the medical lab. I knew something wasn't right with me, so I was going to find out just what. I entered the lab and turned on the light. I nearly screamed when I saw Sean looking at me with a disapproving face. I could only laugh as I tried to walk back out of the door.

"I need to talk to you Shay." Sean said with a stern voice. "You've been acting weird since I met you at that restaurant. Is there something wrong, are you feeling ok? You cant lie to me since I am a doctor and I know a lot about health."

"Well lately, I've been having major headaches and reoccurring fevers. Plus, my stomach keeps churning itself like my insides are butter. So I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I want it to stop." I said softly to Sean.

"Hmm, I just might know why your body is acting that way, but it seems a little too soon for your body to be reacting to it already." Sean said in a very serious tone to me. Sean went to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a small box. When he handed it to me a wave of fear overtook me. It was a pregnancy test that Sean had given me... I almost fainted at the thought of being pregnant. I started to get scared at the thought of if it was Leon's child, or Nate's.. My head hung low as I walked into the medical room's bathroom and followed the instructions to test myself. I knew that whatever the outcome was, it was going to impact the entire group. I looked at the test and leaned up against the wall as tears began flowing down my face. A little pink plus marked the test saying I tested positive for being pregnant.

The bathroom door shut behind me as I walked back out to face Sean. He immediately knew my result and hugged me tightly as I began to cry in denial. Sean kept trying to convince me that I should be proud and that it was God's form of a blessing. I tossed the test into the trashcan and made my way back to my bedroom. I clenched my stomach regrettably as I walked into the bedroom and slid into bed next to Leon. I turned and looked at his face while he slept peacefully. We were going to parents pretty soon and at the brilliant time of a zombie apocalypse! I couldn't believe the thought as I turned back over and tried to get some sleep. My mind kept wandering and wouldn't allow me to go to sleep while it thought about how to break the news to Leon and Nate, let alone everyone else. So far, only Sean and I knew about this big secret that would test the love and loyalty of everyone....


Friday, June 4, 2010

Journal of Hope (Entry 4)

12/6/09 (Day 4 of survival)

I slowly faded back into reality after the brutal shock from the side affects of my bite wound. To my right sitting in the chairs beside me where both Nate and Leon. To the left, Shelly carefully tinkered with the medicine that was flowing through my veins and added a new ingredient to the mixture and the once clear solution quickly changed green as it swirled around in the plastic bag vigorously. I pondered about what could possibly be flowing through my veins right about now, but I dropped the topic and left it at the fact that I would rather not know. For some odd reason, I kept imagining myself becoming the "Jolly Green Giant" that you see on all those veggie cans at the store. I looked up to the crowd that began to engulf me and my little medical bed. I tried to shut my eyes as tight as I possibly could, but yet, I could still feel their burning gazes all across my face. I opened one eye cautiously and asked "Um, what is everyone staring at?". Shelly looked at me and smiled "We are looking at the rapidly decreasing purple in your arm Shay. It seems that mushrooms were the cure to your nasty bite!". I almost threw up at the thought that passed though my mind. I hated mushrooms with a burning passion! To think that some solution containing mushrooms was now flowing into my veins disgusted me! Upon that note I flopped onto my side with a "hmph" and slowly faded away into a deep slumber. I could hear everyone leaving the room and I sighed with relief until a hand touched my shoulder causing me to nearly fall out of my bed as I screamed at the top of my lungs. Everyone flooded back in to see if I was ok, only to see that Leon was standing above the rail of my bed and me nearing a state of hyperventilation. "What in the living fuck happened in here?!" screamed Kylie at Leon furiously; Whenever Leon and Nate didn't come in to visit, Kylie would sit with me for hours on end talking about everything that happened to her and her lover Dan, who at the time of the mysterious explosion, was working at Dairy Queen while Kylie was at home preparing a feast to commemorate their third year together. Kylie and I were extremely close because of this. (Entry Edit (1/10/11) see the "Lost Chronicles" I found them in my Journal while reattaching the entries when they fell out. It seems that Kylie and the others found my journal at some point in time and added in the stories of what happened in their life before they had met me.)

"I was just trying to talk to her, but instead scared the crap out of her" Leon replied with an embarrassed blush on his face. "Well if that's all,then let's go folks so that he can talk to her in private" Kylie said as she left the room quietly. When Kylie had left, the others had followed her as quickly and as quietly as they had come. Leon looked at me with a loving smile. "You know Shay, I'm really glad that even though it's almost like the end of the world, I'm still able to live my life with you in it". "Oh Leon, I love you so much!" I yelled as I flung my arms around him.

The room got eerily quiet. Leon put a finger to my lips and whispered "Shh". We listened to the area around us suspiciously. Normally, we would heard the commotion and laughing from Kylie and the others. But now, there was nothing, only dead silence. At that moment we heard an array of bullets echoing down the hall and knew it meant trouble. I looked up and saw that the mushroom concoction in my I.V. was empty so I unhooked myself and threw on my leg supports. Leon grabbed my holsters and pistols from the drawer next to me and handed them to me. I knew that this would be the time for exacting my revenge on that damned zombie that gave me the new scar on my shoulder. "I'm going to kill that damned bitch of a zombie wherever the fuck it's hiding!" I flung my legs over the rails again and to my delight, my legs didn't crumple and give out like the time I was in the hospital. I decided to throw the supports off to the side as I cut off the cumbersome cast that was now a burden to me. I was ready to kick some ass, and no one was going to stop me!

I searched through the remaining drawers as Leon left my side to help the others. I found a small button on the underside of Shelly's desk and upon pressing it, the eastern wall of the room flipped to reveal some major firepower. I could only laugh as I thought that this was just like a moment in MIB with Will Smith. I pushed aside the thought, and began throwing multiple slings of clips for my pistols along with bullets and rounds for the Gatling gun and Flamethrower that I had picked out. I kicked down the door so I would purposely draw attention to myself, but the commotion from the other rooms was too much, and made my small racket seem pitiful compared to it.

I walked down the hall and peered around the corner. I couldn't believe that something had gotten into the base. This place was by far the most secure place I had seen compared to a military base. I only ever had been through the maze in the base once during my visit the very first day of surviving so this would be a challenge. I remembered the last time I tried to leave the medical room alone, as I walked down the numerous hallways while cautiously checking every corner for a zombie while I followed the noise of bullets ricocheting off the walls.

I finally found the living room where everyone was packed into the small weapons stall that I'd seen Lakin in while polishing a 12 gauge shotgun only days before. The moment Nate saw me, he gave me a hand signal that meant to go around the other way. I knew what stood on the opposite side of the wall. I shook my head and pondered how I was going to reveal this bastard.. I looked around cautiously and saw a tank of gasoline by the wall across from me. I quickly grabbed it and threw it into the bullet-filled room.

I gave Nate and the others a hand signal to stop firing cause I had a plan. Everyone looked dumbfounded, but stopped firing. I ran around to the other side and pulled out a small knife from the new boots I found in the medical room that seemed to fit perfectly, like they were meant for me all along. I could only smile as I saw a slight shimmer move to face me.

"Remember me you bastard?! Well I got a little something for you, and I think you'll like it!" I took the knife and cut a large gash into my arm, and threw the bloody knife into the gasoline can and saw the transparent zombie move ever so slightly towards it. "DUCK!" I screamed to my comrades as I took out my pistol and shot the gasoline that was leaking out of the tank.

There was a large explosion, and debris of the living room were scattered everywhere. Luckily, I dove out of the way just in time, although the heavy artillery I was carrying pinned me to the ground as I scrambled to get back up. I could see the zombie wolf now clearly as I took off both the Gatling gun and the Flamethrower, and slid the slings of ammo off my back and readied one clip in both pistols. I took out another knife and smeared my own blood onto my face like war paint. I heard my comrades screaming not to do this, but I tuned them out and ran towards the zombie wolf.

After a few close calls, I managed to scramble onto the zombie wolf's back and slit its throat. I stood atop the dead carcass victorious and cried out to the world proudly. The gang ran over to me to see if I was unharmed. I could only laugh at the worried faces they made. I began to think clearly and rationally as I unintentionally took a stand and started to give orders on what to do next.

"Ok we have to leave this place here and now! Chuckles, Giggles, and Justin get as many supplies as you can to some form of transportation and stick together! Kylie, Shelly and Lakin, go to the medical room and get as many supplies as you can manage as well and then rendezvous with Chuckles group. Leon, Nate and I will round up weapons and ammo for the operation. So far the best place to set up a temporary base up is the mall since there were no zombies there and take advantage of the security systems. What is everyone waiting for? That thing got in somehow, so there has to be a way for other zombies to get in! So hurry up and get to work!"

Everyone stared at me surprised at my action of taking the role of leadership. Everyone immediately began to work on the jobs they were assigned. By the time it was nearly dusk, everyone had successfully met at the semi that was secretly stored away in the underground garage. We drove out with all of our supplies towards the direction of the mall. Little did I know, the mall would present a trial of unmeasurable comprehension to me that would challenge the love between Leon and I. But it would also mean a moment of closeness with me and Nate. We drove into the night as quietly as we could and entered the mall, where we set up a temporary stronghold in the security room. With motion sensors in place covering 2 miles all around us, we slept soundly as we waited for dawn.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Journal of Hope (Entry 3)

12/5/09 (Day 3 of survival)

I slowly eased open my eyes as I started to wake up in the same boring medical room that had a strong pungent smell of herbs and spices. I stared at my left arm as it was now a bright purple. Whatever that zombie was in the clothing store, had given me a nasty bite and a half. The fact that I wasn't already a zombie myself had surprised me, since having seen and read so much about zombies it always started with one infectious bite. I looked up at the ceiling above me and grunted in disgust. Would I ever get out of here? I heard a slight squeak and saw Nate walking through the door. All I could do is smile and be happy I had a visitor. I tried to say "Hi", but as I made the attempt to speak all that I managed was a weak wheeze. Nate looked around the room as if there was something wrong but quickly walked over to me and kissed me right on the lips. I began to protest but all he did was put his finger to my mouth and said "Shh, don't talk, you're injured". From how hot my face had begun to get, I could tell that I was obviously blushing. He looked at my purple arm and met my gaze with a stern look. "The bite you got is a pretty nasty one, and what you're about to go through is a bitch to endure. You're going to get some suicidal thoughts, and you're going to start seeing things that will make you piss yourself. But, before you ask how I know all this, I'll show you" he said to me quietly. Nate took off his shirt and turned so I could see his back. A long scar that also looked like a bite lined his lower back. It was then that I understood what he had meant back in the dressing room. I felt tears sliding down my face as I thought of how lucky Nate is to have survived being attacked by that.. That thing!! Nate looked at me and laughed. "Why are you getting so torn up about it? It's only a little scar!" I couldn't help but feel even worse, so I turned away and looked at my arm completely terrified. I could sense that Nate had gotten closer to me but I didn't expect him to be literally in my face. The air grew humid as the air between us grew hotter and even more awkward as he gently put his hand on my cheek. I realized what was going on from there but I couldn't help but feel relieved. Nate leaned in closer and kissed me on the lips and sent shock waves tingling down my spine. He moved away from me and looked me in the eyes. "I'll be right back." Nate left the room and I leaned back in my bed. I stared at the ceiling as my mind began to wander going over what just happened when Nate came back through the door and locked the door behind him...

My muscles tensed up, as my heart pounded faster and faster with every step he took towards me. My eyes began to water and I could feel myself on the verge of crying. Why was he doing this? I kept asking that same question in my head to myself. Nate was now standing over me leaning over the rail of my bed. My eyes met his and I knew he could see that I was terrified. He embraced me and softly whispered, "Don't cry, I'm not going to hurt you and if I do you have every right to chop my nuts off on the spot". I sniffled, what he said had relieved me somewhat but it didn't solve the fact that I thought he was going to molest me or something. He met my gaze again, and kissed me gently on the lips. I felt another shock wave tingling down my spine while he kissed me. A wave of emotions took over and I wasn't sure whether or not to be happy, scared, or if i was having sexual feelings towards Nate. I kissed him back to test if my feelings were going to lead me to going further. I remembered back in the dressing room when I first met Nate and I remembered the moment we had standing beside each other nude. My heart beat faster the moment my lips touched his and I knew at that point that I was madly in love with Nate... I sat up in my bed as my arms slowly wrapped around Nate. His hands began to wander as I felt a cold hand sliding up my shirt. I moved away from Nate as his soft hand on my ticklish belly was not a combination that would end well, at least for him anyway... He chuckled and looked up at the monitor that I was hooked up to. He shut the monitor off and removed the IV's stuck in the nooks of my arms. He wrapped my arms with gauze so I wouldn't bleed everywhere and kissed me again, except this time he got into my bed and crawled on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him yet again and his hand again went up my shirt. I squirmed as his hand tickled my soft belly and he just smiled at me and laughed. He carefully slid his hand towards my back and unhooked the clasps of my bra. He slid the bra off of my body with ease as he slowly lifted up my shirt to take it off of me. A sharp tinge of pain surged through my arm when his hand gently bumped into it. I grimaced from the pain and a tear slid down my cheek. Although I was into the atmosphere that we were starting to create, the pain was too much for me. I shoved him off of me and he rolled over the railing of my bed as a new set of emotions took over me.. I could tell that this was the first stage of the side affects Nate had mentioned. My conscience desperately fought against my body, but eventually my will gave in as the side affects kicked in and I felt higher than a person smoking weed.

Things began to get really out-of-context in my head at that point. I had begun to hallucinate and one of the most fearful of images that came to mind first was Leon's death. Being savagely mauled by zombies as he tried to save me from my hellish nightmare. Despite how many times I would scream, the nightmare wouldn't end as it continued further with everyone I had ever known, even from my childhood. The sights morally killed me, as I felt my soul drift further and further away from me. I began to feel out-of-mind like I did while I was in a coma. I felt the last sliver of life that was left in me ebb away into a void of darkness... My life flashed before my eyes yet again as I felt myself fall to the ground, a soulless and useless lump of mass...
