Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Story I Wrote in 8th Grade That I actually Finished

The Swift Winds of Loyalty (realistic comic version)
Two friends live it out livin the good life with no worries until I-Corp Industries begins with their idea for immortality to all human life testing on human patients in secrecy under government eyes illegally whilst a large meteor is heading toward Earth and is said to be the one that ends us all. Earth only has a matter of weeks before it is destroyed into oblivion.
The scene is quiet, a normal day in the bustling city of Takohoama (tack O’ Home AH). There we find Cheh at her house feeding her two goldfish Ramon and Bessie like she does every day since she got them. The phone rings. It is her friend Kmart, her best friend since the first grade. “Hey Cheh”, said Kmart. “Do you want to go check out that new hospital they’re building out on highway 120?” said Kmart. “Is that what it’s gonna be?” said Cheh. “Yes, at least I think so” said Kmart. “Ok sure I’ll come!” said Cheh. “Hey maybe if we’re lucky, we could get a job there when they open, don’t ya think?” said Kmart enthusiastically. “Ya I think that would be a great idea!” said Cheh. The two friends ended their conversation and began to trek out to meet each other to check out the new hospital.

The friends finally meet each other at the construction site and begin to take their own little tour of the building. Just as they were about to walk into some of the more heavier worked on areas a voice sounded behind them. “Hey you kids can’t be out here!!!!” said the voice. The two whirred around to look who was referring to them when they saw a fully suited man wearing what looked like what they call ‘business shades’ with an ill and angered look on his face. They turned to run from the man only to find him in hot pursuit. They took many rights and many lefts but finally they began to feel the effects of fatigue when the man finally caught up to them. He muttered a curse under his breath as soon as he caught up to the friends also feeling symptoms of exhaustion. He began to speak with many gasps for air in between words: “You*gasp*kids can’t*gasp*be out*gasp*here” he said. “We only wanted to look around” admitted Kmart. “I don’t care what you two were trying to do you two could get hurt out here!!!” he said angrily. “Come take your little tour when the hospital is open.” He said with a wheeze. Cheh and Kmart then decided to head back towards home and over to Cheh’s house for some lunch.

Three weeks passed, and the hospital was finally open for business when the two returned in search of a job. “Hey Cheh”, said Kmart. “Do you think we will see that abnormal guy again?” “I hope not, that guy gave me the creeps!!” said Cheh. “Well let’s forget about him and let’s go get ourselves a job!!” said Kmart. So the two finally headed into the hospital courageously filled with curiosity at what would happen next. The two headed towards the desk clerk and asked for some information. “So what can I do for you ladies today?” said the clerk. “Oh nothing much we just wanted to know if we could apply for a job here” said Kmart. “Well have you two ever been to medical school?” said the clerk. “Yeah, uh we have about a year ago” said Cheh trying to lie as best she could. “I suppose I could get you in as interns that way you can remember some of the medical terms you probably learned in medical school” said the clerk not seeing through the lie. “Great! When can we start!?” said Kmart excitedly. “Well it looks like Dr. Richards here can give you a tour of the hospital since he is on break right now” said the clerk. “Would that be ok Dr. Richards? Since you are on you break?” said the clerk. “That’s fine with me” replied a man who looked strangely familiar. “Well, now where are the two I am to escort?” said Dr. Richards.
The two switched glances from each other to the man that was going to be their escort. He was a hunk!!!!! He had brown eyes with a twinkle of charisma in them. His face was smooth and a natural peach color. His hair was short but shaggy styled. It was also a brown color, more of a chestnut hue to be precise. From how well his clothes fit, the girls could tell he had a muscular body.

The two snapped back into reality as the doctor was repetitively saying hello and waving his hand in front of their eyes. The doctor chuckled and said: “Hehe I get that a lot.” The two girls in embarrassment shuffled to their feet and stood like nothing ever happened. He chuckled again and said: “Well let’s get moving, we have so much to see here at the hospital just waiting to be seen!”

The doctor and the girls began their tour of the hospital where they saw the ER and most of some of doctors’ personal offices. Their tour was just about over when Kmart asked the doctor where the bathroom was and if he could escort her there. When the two returned, Kmart had a very strange look in her eyes. Cheh began to wonder if she had missed out on anything.
Their tour ended and the two went home. They were excited; they were going to start as interns the next day come dawn. But for now they would stay at Cheh’s house. The sun rose but Kmart was already awake. Cheh was so surprised at how bright and early Kmart had gotten up; she began to think Kmart had a candy bar before she went to sleep last night. “Dear god, she thought. Today is going to be a long day.”

After they finished eating breakfast and changing into their work clothes, they set off to work. “Hey Fred how ya doing today?” said the two girls to the doorman as they entered the hospital. “Just fine ladies,” he replied. The two walked swiftly to their desks and awaited Dr. Richard’s arrival.

When Dr. Richards finally arrived, the two girls were playing paper football to occupy their time. “So are my two interns ready for their first day?” said Dr. Richards. Kmart and Cheh sprung out of their chair with an excited look on their face. They couldn’t wait to start!
Dr. Richards led Kmart and Cheh through many hallways to help him measure patients blood pressure, heart rate etc. It was now lunch time so Kmart and Cheh headed towards the main lounge to get something to eat. They sat down and turned on the TV to the news only to find some shocking information.

The girls watched as the TV reporter was gathering questions from a guy who looked a lot similar to Dr. Richards. What the reporter said next shocked them. “So Dr. Richards, having formed I-Corp what is your next motive?” “Well, he said. I-Corp Industries plans to improve our methods of finding out a way to human immortality. Our research has now found a way to give humans the much sought after immortality.” “Now Dr, if may ask, about how many people will die in the process to immortality?” “Based on our information, only about 20 out of billions of people will die.” “WOW, that few Dr.? One would think that being sought after, that more people would have died in the process” said the reporter. “Well, I-Corp Industries has gone well beyond all research has ever come close to!” said the Dr. proudly.

The girls continued to watch as breaking news hit the screen like wildfire. The reporter sounded frantic as he handed it over to local astronomers reporting live on “Oblivion” the meteor’s status. “Now to local astronomers reporting live from the observatory” stuttered the reporter. “Astronomers here, reporting to you live from our observatory on our latest meteor action.” “Oblivion has now gained some speed as a meteor shower gave her and unwanted boost. Our time to live has now shortened to about half a week starting today. Our Dooms Day will be on the brink of the end of night on Thursday, and the beginning of dawn on Friday. We die at midnight at the end of the week.”
Cheh turned off the TV and glanced at Kmart. “We only have three and a half days to live?” said Kmart. “I guess so” said Cheh with a saddened look in her eyes. The two hugged and sobbed knowing that they would never see each other again when the meteor hit. The girls began to talk in whisper; “Hey Kmart, we are going to have to watch Dr. Richards” said Cheh. “His whole thing on immortality scared the crap outta me!” “How can you mistrust Dr. Richards Cheh!!!!!?” “Cant you see that he is up to something Kmart!!?” “Why cant you just see that I have a thing for him Cheh!?”

There was a sudden silence. “I am sorry to hear that Kmart but I don’t trust him.” Just then they heard footsteps approaching the lounge. They flew into the couches and flipped the TV on to cartoons and began trying to look natural. Dr. Richards walked into the room. “So are you two ready to get started? I have a special job for you two.”
“Yes, Dr. Richards. We would like to proceed.” “Very well, follow me.” The two followed him as he began to go down numerous corridors and a flight of stairs. “Um, doctor, where are we going exactly?” said Cheh uneasily. “We are going to prepare you to be a fully-fledged member. In other words, this will be your initiation to the medical world.”

He then walked into a dark room on the other side of a corresponding hallway. The girls followed him as instructed to. They turned sharply as the door shut behind them and they were shrouded in darkness. They were quickly bound with some kind of rope and thrown on the floor. They called desperately for Dr. Richards to help them but no help came.
In a split second they could feel some kind of tentacles wrapping around their legs. They screamed as it seared some skin off. Then, they could feel them going up their skirts grabbing their waists holding them down. Both blacked out and didn’t awaken.

Cheh awoke with a start only to find herself strapped to a stretcher. She turned her head only to see Kmart in the same predicament only that her stomach was like a basketball under her shirt. She quickly flashed her eyes to her own stomach it hadn’t changed what so ever. She wondered what could have happened to Kmart to make her like that.
“So you’ve awakened now Cheh” said a voice from behind. Dr. Richards appeared from the shadows. “YOU!!!!!!!” screamed Cheh. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO US!!!?” “A little research little guinny pig” said the Dr. “TELL ME OR I SWEAR THAT WHEN I BREAK OUTTA THIS I WILL UNLEASH MY ENTIRE WRATH UPON YOU!!!!” “Your experiment failed but hers…He said looking at Kmart… was successful.” “Now all I need is to wait.” He left the room and Cheh could hear his footsteps leading away from the room. This was her chance to escape she thought. She looked down; she was still wearing her uniform. “YES!” she thought.

Cheh reached into her back pocket of her skirt and pulled out a tiny pocket knife. “Now if only I could get my arm out.” She squirmed in the stretcher and finally her arm broke free. She started immediately at her bindings and as soon as she was out she stood up and stretched. She wanted to be rid of this place. She tore at her uniform ripping it revealing a cute tee-shirt, a pair of capris, and a pair of pistols strapped tightly to her belt.

She saw Kmart was still unconscious and began at her bindings. When they were cut, she slung Kmart’s unconscious body over her shoulder. She strained over Kmart’s over bearing weight but pressed on. She went out the door and out into the hallway. She peered over the corner. The hall was empty, completely empty. The hall now had and eerie silence befall it. She took off her nurse shoes and socks. She was now barefooted but silent. She looked to the ceilings no cameras either. “Hmm, what could he be planning?”

She ran towards the other door frantic with fright. She flung the door open and continued to run Kmart’s weight still bearing down on her. She dared not look back, for she feared what might be following her. She found the door to the stairs and began to climb. “If only I could get to the lobby” she thought. She continued to climb her knees trying desperately to give way to fatigue but pressed on.

She saw the door to the control room and figured she could rest there for it might be safe. She flung the door open and removed a pistol with her free hand. She went and locked the door behind her. She crept around the room looking for danger. When the coast was clear she hid Kmart and herself in the nearby closet. She locked that too from the inside to be safe. She checked on Kmart she was awakening finally. “Ugh. How long have I been out of it?” she said. “I don’t know, a few hours perhaps.” “Where’s Dr, Richards?” “He isn’t here right now, he is the cause of all this.” “Really?” said Kmart. “Yes, he is. Now have this I think you will need it.” Cheh reached into the back of her shirt and pulled out a third hidden pistol and handed it to Kmart.
“I don’t know what’s out there, but I do know it’s not safe.” “Use it wisely I don’t sprout bullets ya know.” Just then they heard a loud thud! A growl came from outside. Silently, Cheh raised her finger above her lips to silence Kmart. The growl sounded like something out-of-the-ordinary. Cheh and Kmart now heard foot steps; the thing was definitely four-legged. There was a small slit in the wall. Cheh peered through it to see what they’d be facing. They looked the size of a Great Dane, as slender as a grey hound, and frothing at the mouth. They were grey to black in color and had medium sized heads. They looked like a cross between a rat and a dog.

Cheh grabbed her two pistols in her hands while Kmart did the same with her pistol. Cheh kicked the door open and leapt out of the closet and began shooting the creatures in midair. She landed and gave each a shot to the brain. She wanted to ensure they were dead. She turned to Kmart and said: “Can you run!?” “Ya I think so” she replied. Cheh quickly stood in the door frame that was broken when those creatures entered and she told Kmart to access the computer monitors to preview the security cams. “Hey Cheh, we’d better start running” she said sounding frantic. “More of those things are coming up through the East Wing.” “Ok, said Cheh. Then we will go through the West Wing.” “We shouldn’t do that Cheh. The West Wing is crawling with them.” “I think we should—her sentence was cut short when she cried: “LOOK OUT CHEH!!!!!” Cheh turned to see another one of those things right in front of her. Pistols still in hand, Cheh leapt backwards and shot the thing deader than a squished bug.

“CHEH ER TO LOBBY WILL BE THE SAFEST WAY!!” “Ok Kmart I trust you.” “Cheh lead the way!” With Cheh leading the way Kmart and Cheh raced up stairs through hallways and into another control room. Kmart check the screens! Gotcha Cheh, sure thing! Cheh stood guns at the ready at the closed door incase those rat/dog-things were coming. Suddenly Cheh heard Kmart gasp. She too saw what popped up, the meteor was about to hit in an hour! She also saw Dr. Richards returning to their holding room. He saw them missing and went frantic. He was running in circles almost. Cheh and Kmart looked and saw more and more rat-things were around their area. They would have to take a new way.

THE VENTS!!! Cheh thought. She lifted herself up and gave Kmart a boost in. They crawled all the way until they reached a dead end right above a room connected to the lobby. They dropped down, peering around them for any sight of danger. They reloaded their pistol and pistols and walked into the lobby. There they saw the mangled still-living Dr. Richards waiting for them. “YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD JUST GET AWAY YOU LITTLE BRATS!!!!” he spat. “YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!!” “IN A MATTER OF TIME THAT SQUID WILL COME OUT OF HER!!!! He pointed to Kmart. Then Cheh began a nifty little set of flips and cart-wheels. “CARTWHEELS AND HOPSCOTCH CANNOT HELP YOU HERE!!!!!” Cheh landed her routine right behind the Dr. and lifted her hand and put a bullet in his brain. “I was getting REAL tired of his attitude!” said Cheh as she as Kmart left the building.

There they saw the horrifying body of Fred the doorman through one of the windows. “We can’t just leave him there!!!” screamed Kmart. Cheh then shot out the window and stood in a trance like state. “Hey Kmart, I remember this place even though I haven’t been here before.” “What? How!” “You and I died here.” The words hit Kmart like rocks. “How is that possible?” “We were mice in a previous life. And this very same event occurred.” “After the Earth blew up the Earth reformed and we started over, but this time as humans.” “Creepy Cheh, very creepy.” “How much time do we have left Kmart?” “About 5 seconds.” The two friends sat in the center of the room and hugged each other. Both were crying and sobbing their last sob.

Oblivion hit the Earth and the Earth shattered blowing up into billions of pieces killing everyone on Earth and the creatures that lived there, only to be reborn yet again when the Earth merged as one again. And as for Cheh and Kmart’s future after the Earth reformed… They would meet again and still be the best of friends almost like sisters…

-The End


AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

pretty good story plot but it needs to be deeper its a very shallow story but really good plot line

Justin Zirnheld said...

good plot but the details are sketchy at best and i agree with pebbles it needs more depth to it. i felt as though i was just getting to know the characters and then they die but still a great plot line.