Thursday, November 26, 2009

Journal of Hope (Entry 1)

This journal shall be mine and many others way of noting down the events of the incident that followed the strange explosion.. If you are another survivor and have found this, that means that I myself and my comrades, are running amongst the living flesh eaters. Please feel free to note your days of survival here so that one day, if there is still any hope for mankind, a rescue party shall find this journal and save many by searching the locations marked in the stories within this journal...

This is the start of my days of survival..

12/3/09 (Day one of surviving the incident)

This journal, a gift to me from Leon is now all I have left, other than him, to hold myself together.. I was only just yesterday, that the histeria began.. What began as my long expected day of waking from the coma I was in, and the brightening of Leon's 26th birthday, turned into hell within minutes of my waking..

Ten years ago.. Leon and I had only been dating for one year and were on the brink of our anniversary when it all happened within seconds.. I was riding through the bustling city of Tucson on my new "Rice Burner" as I called it through the city going at about 115mph with 50 miles to a gallon; I was good to go. The traffic light ahead of me that marked the calm intersection flickered green as I sped at top speed across. However as reckless as I was and as as fast as I had been going, the driver still had not seen me in time. A large semi truck pummeled into me directly from my left side hurling me into the corner stop sign, not only breaking my left leg, but knocking me unconscience. All I can remember at that point was the long, white hallways, blurred vision and the chatter of indistinct voices around me. After that, dark, black emptiness. The only feeling I remembered was the best of them all even if it wasn't real. Whilst I was in the swirling black hole of my conscience, I could feel the warm, soothing feeling, of whenever Leon joined his hand with mine,even though I was unable to respond... But the day of my waking had yet to come.. That day was December 2nd, 2009, the day of the explosion....

As I look back to December 2nd, 2009, I can only remember the still silence that started it all..

12/2/09 (The day of the explosion, the day before day one of survival)

My ears pricked as I could hear Leon's voice softly whispering to me, hoping that I would hear the gentle, loving tone in his voice and wake up. I couldnt believe it... This time I actually was able to subconsciously regain control of my body as my eyes slowly eased open to a very calm, soft-lit room with the door closed and locked up for the night. I peered over the edge of the tall rails of my bed and to my delight, there laying atop the rail was Leon looking deep into my eyes with tears of gratitude that I had come back to him...

As I took a small amount of time to ask Leon to fill me in on everything that has happened , Leon climed over the railing and layed beside me.. "You look so beautiful my dearest Shay", he said. Having been in the long coma that I was in, I had no idea how I appeared to the world now..I couldnt help peering down at my left leg as I felt a sharp jolt of pain searing through it. Wrapped around my leg was a bright, neon-green cast that cleary marked that my leg had not fully healed over the ten years I had been in the coma. "Since you weren't awake, the doctors couldn't test your leg with weight on it so the bones are still feeble and weak, but have mended and are ready to be tested", said Leon. "Then please, I would like to get out of this wretched bed sometime soon cause I really have to pee right now, so ask a nurse or doctor to give you one of those, I dont know what they are.. Those shoe-like things", I said to him quietly. Leon left my side upon my request quickly and gracefully and set out to find the nurse..

I stared at the cieling feeling so helpless because I was confined to this damned bed and couldn't even get up to take a piss. I began to get antsy as Leon wasn't back yet, and I had to pee really badly. I was not about to go back to the days of when I was five, so I sat up and threw my right leg over the railing. "So far so good", I murmured to myself. This was the moment that my left leg would get its first test run.. I threw my left leg over the side as it dangled adjacent to my right leg that was already against the hard, tile flooring waiting to support my now very lean wieght. At first, I stood balancing atop my right leg, knowing that it had never failed me before; its failure wouldn't be allowed today, especially now when I needed it most.

I counted to three and stood abruptly on both legs hoping that they wouldnt crumple beneath me. But to my great displeasure, my knees buckled inward awkwardly and I nearly fell flat onto my face. I would have fallen down if I hadn't abruptly grabbed the railing of the my bed to stabalize myself. As I awkwardly wobbled to the bathroom, I had to bring the IV pole with me as well, but how I would do that, I had no idea. I needed both hands to stabalize myself just to get to the bathroom. So how would I drag that nuisance of a pole with me? It wasn't an easy task, but through painfully dragging it along with me and wobbling to the bathroom, it all had paid off, I had made the long trek to the bathroom and finally reached my destination.

As I sat on the all-mighty porcelain throne, I sighed with relief as I now felt relatively relaxed. I heard a clink of the doorknob to my room. From the sound of the constant rattling of the knob I could tell whoever was trying to get in was either retarded, or wasnt the best to wait around for to see who, or what walks into the door. I didnt want to take my chances, so through the buckling of my legs and searing pain, I put on what clothes I could find that would fit. Surprisingly my family had prepaired me with everything, getting something of every size so I would have something to fit when I had awoken.

As I sifted through the clothes, a large, rough object caught my attention. There hidden amongst my clothes, was a colt .45 handgun.. Two of them in fact! These guns weren't fake either, they were the real mind blowing deal. As I scrambled through the rest of the clothes I found a double holstered belt. I quickly latched it on as fast as I could and ripped the IV from my arm. I had to act fast, or else I would bleed to death. Under the bathroom sink was some gauge wrap and I quicky wrapped my arm up tight to stop the bleeding, making sure not to forget to put some antibiotics on it before I wrapped it. I paused for a second and listened. It was eerily quiet, to quiet in fact. I heard the loud monotone of the IV monitor with its sensors going crazy. I locked the bathroom door and stepped into the bathtub making sure to have my back against the wall. Suddenly, there was the ear-piercing sound of an explosion, although I couldn't pinpoint where it had come from.

The hospital fell dead silent like it had been abandoned. I heard a loud CRASH as something of a rather large size impacted my room door. My heart was racing, I had no idea what to expect to come through the door and I couldnt take my chances to investigate. With another loud CRASH I heard the door shatter into bits along with a loud roar of some sort. It sounded vaguely human, but yet animal. I cocked my handguns and prepaired for the worst. I stood as best I could on my feeble legs. There was another final crash as the bathroom door shattered into pieces. Splinters flew everywhere and there standing in the doorway was a surgeon. His arms were bloodied up to the nook of his elbow, and his face was crusted with dry blood. His eyes were so blood-shot that they had partially rolled back into his head. He made an attempt to lunge at me but I was already ready for him. Within a matter of seconds it was all over with one lucky shot. With the faith of whatever gods had helped me, I managed to score a bullet right inbetween his eyes, killing him in the instant. Something wasn't right here and I wasnt about to stay.

Through my peripheral vision, I saw another figure, I readily aimed my guns again incase it was another person in the same state as the surgeon. To my hearts relief, it was Leon! In his hand he had two boot-like leg supports. I could tell from his expression that he was glad I made it to the bathroom but something else told me that we couldn't stay there. I put the boots on as fast as I could and to my great pleasure they helped kill the pain in my legs, but they still felt feeble and weak. I handed a gun to Leon as I wraped my arm around him, as he led me into the hallway. There was no one in sight. The place suddenly felt like a ghost town, which caused my heart to race even more. I was panicing, I squirmed within Leon's grip as I softly cried that it was all a dream and that I would just wake up in his arms. He shoke me back and forth and quietly whispered to me, "If you dont calm down and stay quiet we are both going to die here!" ,he said. I instantly shut up but couldn't help the tears from streaming from my eyes. Leon kissed me and held me close to his heart and said: "I will never let anything bad happen to you while I'm around to protect you". The warm tone in his voice instantly caused me to stop crying and get my head in the game. I peered around each corner like I was impersonating a secret agent; handgun at the ready, with Leon watching my back.

Playing it smart and remembering all of the horror games I had played, I advised Leon to take the stairs to avoid the sound of the elevator bringing unwanted company. When we reached the bottom there was a large freezer with a large lever for a lock. It was bound to be safe to stay in for the night. The power was out in the freezer so it was relatively warm. Leon and I shut ourselves up tight in the freezer with a small lantern dimmly lit so we could see. There was a large deadbolt lock with the key still within it laying on the floor. Leon instantly grabbed it and attached it to our now secure freezer. We carefully inspected each corner of the freezer to ensure there wasnt any unwanted company already inside. We finally fell asleep with the lantern blown out, and both of us with arms tightly wraped around each other. This was the only night that we had ever slept together in such close proximity in all our years of dating. It was extremely hard for us to sleep that night, as we could hear the loud roars of whatever creatures were out there, that had suffered the fate of the surgeon. But the most blood curdling noise that we heard that night, was the screaming of innocent people, that like us, had avoided the fate of the surgeon. When I was finally able to drift to sleep, I could feel Leon's grip around me tighten as he was slowly drifting to sleep as well. I turned over and pulled him closer so he could have his arms around me even more than before and have a more secure feeling that I wasnt about to be stolen away from him... With Leon's arms around me and the soothing warmth of his breath on my neck, I fell asleep happily dreaming of us, as a future mother and father, without the world being infested with the screams of the innocents...

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