Saturday, November 28, 2009

Journal of Hope (Entry 1 cont.)

12/3/09 (In the morning)

It was dawn, and now the start of day one of surviving the incident begins. I shifted uncomfortably into a new sleeping position as the hard ground of the freezer was unforgiving and caused my shoulders and lower back to get really stiff over night. Even though the power to the freezer was cut, there was still a slight chill as there was a draft coming through the bottom of the door. I jumped up instantly and looked around the freezer for any unwanted company, I knew instinctively that if there was a draft coming into the freezer, then our smell must also be traveling out. I shook Leon gently until he awoke looking at me with a curious but stern gaze. "We have to either seal the bottom of the door or we have to leave here, cause sooner or later those things are going to sniff us out if we don't!", I said. Leon rose to his feet and loomed over me and embraced me. "Don't worry, I think we will be safe a little longer in here", he said.

Suddenly there was a loud bang against the freezer door. I strapped on the holsters again and took both handguns and cocked and readied them. Leon and I heard scrabbling by the door like a dog's nails against a hard floor. Right as Leon kneeled down to see what it was through the little crack in the door, the door's hinges broke off and the door was sent flying into the wall. Luckily Leon dove out of the way and the debris completely missed me by a long-shot. There in the doorway were two dogs of monstrous proportions. They made a lunge for Leon, I managed to shoot one down where it had been standing but the second dog was too quick. I instantly froze up as the dog's teeth drew ever closer to Leon's neck, when I heard a loud BANG. The dog fell to the ground and lay motionless. Leon and I looked up abruptly to see where the bang had come from. There, leaning in the doorway, was a tall muscular, woman with a 12-gauge shotgun in her hand. From her appearance, I could tell that she was once a swimmer, and had the shoulder-length hood that came with swimming. She was dressed in a dark, navy blue suit with badges adorning her left sleeve and upper-left breast. From the description of the insignia she wore, she was "Royal Admiral of the Fleet". Or in other words, she was in charge of the royal navy.

"Dont just fucking stare! Get off your asses and move! There will be more of those things on their way!", she yelled. Leon and I got up as fast as we could and ran after her as fast as we could following her around each corner like we were being chased after. As soon as we came to an exit of the hospital, we burst out only to hear more gunshots all around us. There were two other girls, and three guys all fighting the creatures in unison. "Shelly!!! Hurry and lead these survivors to the base and check them for any wounds or even worse bites!!", yelled the admiral to her comrade. The girl named Shelly stepped forward and eyed both Leon and I before she started to lead us to their base. "You better keep up if you don't want to get eaten!", she said as she sprinted down the creature-infested street. I tried to sprint, but my attempt only resulted in an awkward wobble. Leon kept close to my side making sure to keep sight of the one named Shelly so we wouldn't be left behind.

Finally, I had grown extremely tired as my legs were giving into my weight. Leon picked me up with ease, and slung me over his shoulder as he ran towards Shelly. "We're here!", exclaimed Shelly. Leon went as fast as he could but I could tell my weight was becoming quite the burden. Shelly opened up an old garage door and led us underneath as she abruptly closed and locked it tightly. She led us down a long labyrinth of corridors until we were in a large, vast room surrounded by supplies of all sorts that could last a century if rationed right. To my right, was another tall woman staring me down with a whole array of weapons surrounding her. "I'll make you a deal... One you cant refuse..", she said. I just stood as straight up as I could and continued walking.

Shelly led us into a large lab filled to the brim with herbs and medicines of all sorts. She sat me down on the inspection table and began a thorough inspection of the both of us. When she was done she just merely looked us in the eye and told us to get some rest tonight since we both were clean of infection and any wounds. Shelly led us down another corridor until we got to our rooms. "You both can sleep in this room. Since it looks like you two are extremely close, there is no need to separate you two. In-case you're wondering, no, there are no cameras in any of our rooms all we ask is nothing fishy or we wont hesitate to kill you both. ", she said giving us a stern gaze. Leon and I made ourselves comfortable in the satin sheets that lined the king-sized bed and began drifting to sleep.

I can only say that something sparked between Leon and I that night.. We embraced each other like never before.. To put all suspicions aside, we had sex. The timing couldn't be any more awkward. But yet, somehow the moment seemed right, and I in fact was the first to make the advance towards Leon. The night was long and warm as we had finally gotten to sleep, with all our clothes on and sleeping comfortably in our bed... We drifted away into a deep slumber and put all our fears aside as we lay in the warmth of each other...

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