Sunday, June 6, 2010

Journal of Hope (Entry 5)

12/7/09 (Day 5 of survival)

Everyone was on their toes as we set up our new base in this grand complex of a mall. Leon and I barely had any time with each other since we were both installing different defenses on opposite ends of this superior mall. However, unlike Leon, Nate was working on the same metal frames that would close any and all openings in the mall. We even took out the ventilation shafts to use to help secure the area. We placed barbwire and motion sensors in any shaft that we were unable to take apart or completely seal as we moved throughout the massive mall.

From across the way, we heard Kylie give the signal that it was time to take a break. Everyone stayed in pairs of two to three and ate food at whatever restaurant they could find. Nate and I found a small family owned restaurant towards the far back of the mall. There was little that wasn't in need of major cooking, so we sat at one of the booths in the corner. I couldn't help but feel exhausted from all the hard work. Lately, I had been feeling unusually tired and had a constant fever. Although I thought that if I told anyone about feeling horrible, they would worry and set the construction process back, leaving us open to attack. I remained quiet as I found a small bottle of Ibuprofen behind one of the cashier registers and took two pills and returned to the booth. Nate was staring at me awkwardly, so I looked back to see if there was something behind me just in case there was a zombie in the place. Next thing I knew, Nate had his arms around me as he grabbed my hands and tickled me unmercifully.

"HOLY FUCK! WTF NATE HEHE STOP IT!" I said as I squirmed in his arms trying to get free. Nate spun me around causing me to get slightly disorientated and kissed me on the lips. I looked at him trying to find the words to protest, but my heart seemed to rip the ability to refuse out from my persona as I returned the kiss lovingly. We began to make out as hands began to wander and clothes began to line the carpet flooring of the restaurant. Before I knew it, Nate and I had gone all the way with each other, and were still going. This was the most intimate I had ever been with Nate ever since the scene in the dressing room.

A wave of pain surged throughout my body causing me to shove Nate away as I held myself in pain. I managed to get all of my clothes on and walk out of the door to the restaurant, but I didn't get far from the door when I suddenly collapsed onto the hard floor. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see Nate running towards me when a figure in white gently lifted me off the ground and held me in their arms. The only thought that came to mind was that I just died and the figure in white was an angel here to take me on my final voyage. I shut my eyes as my body went limp and dangled lifelessly in the figure's arms.

(Later that day...)

I could hear voices surrounding me as I lay on the ground blissfully sleeping it seemed. The voices began to get familiar as I opened my eyes to see Kylie, Nate, Leon, and the new figure in white standing above me. The group smiled when I regained consciousness and began to stand up. The moment I stood up, my stomach began to churn in an unfamiliar way. To avoid suspicion, I ignored the pain and stood tall on my feet.

"Why is it always me that passes out or falls flat on my face in some shape or form and gets knocked out?" I asked Kylie with a slight chuckle to hide the fact that I was in severe pain. The figure who I now saw was a tall, broad, muscular doctor with short, dirty-blond hair looked at me suspiciously as he shifted his glasses to a more comfortable position. I knew that the doctor could see that I was in pain, but I was not about to tell him. I saw Shelly run at full speed towards the doctor with a large smile on her face. The doctor's face lit up when he saw Shelly and embraced her lovingly as he kissed her and started to cry.

"Shelly I'm so glad that we're reunited with each other! I cant believe that I've finally found you!" The doctor said to Shelly as tears slid down his face. "Oh Sean, I'm so relieved that you're alive! I was afraid that those damn zombies took you away from me for good!" cried Shelly as she kissed Sean and turned to face us with a smile on her face. "Everyone, this is Sean, my long, lost husband that I thought died during the early morning siege 5 days ago." Everyone just cheered for Shelly as we all walked back to the security room. I was still in massive pain and stayed towards the back of the group so no one would notice that I was having difficulties.

We entered our new maze of a base in the security room and headed to our rooms. Leon joined me in our bedroom as everyone began to settle down for the night. As soon as Leon was dead asleep, I slipped out of the bedroom quietly and began to head for the medical lab. I knew something wasn't right with me, so I was going to find out just what. I entered the lab and turned on the light. I nearly screamed when I saw Sean looking at me with a disapproving face. I could only laugh as I tried to walk back out of the door.

"I need to talk to you Shay." Sean said with a stern voice. "You've been acting weird since I met you at that restaurant. Is there something wrong, are you feeling ok? You cant lie to me since I am a doctor and I know a lot about health."

"Well lately, I've been having major headaches and reoccurring fevers. Plus, my stomach keeps churning itself like my insides are butter. So I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I want it to stop." I said softly to Sean.

"Hmm, I just might know why your body is acting that way, but it seems a little too soon for your body to be reacting to it already." Sean said in a very serious tone to me. Sean went to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a small box. When he handed it to me a wave of fear overtook me. It was a pregnancy test that Sean had given me... I almost fainted at the thought of being pregnant. I started to get scared at the thought of if it was Leon's child, or Nate's.. My head hung low as I walked into the medical room's bathroom and followed the instructions to test myself. I knew that whatever the outcome was, it was going to impact the entire group. I looked at the test and leaned up against the wall as tears began flowing down my face. A little pink plus marked the test saying I tested positive for being pregnant.

The bathroom door shut behind me as I walked back out to face Sean. He immediately knew my result and hugged me tightly as I began to cry in denial. Sean kept trying to convince me that I should be proud and that it was God's form of a blessing. I tossed the test into the trashcan and made my way back to my bedroom. I clenched my stomach regrettably as I walked into the bedroom and slid into bed next to Leon. I turned and looked at his face while he slept peacefully. We were going to parents pretty soon and at the brilliant time of a zombie apocalypse! I couldn't believe the thought as I turned back over and tried to get some sleep. My mind kept wandering and wouldn't allow me to go to sleep while it thought about how to break the news to Leon and Nate, let alone everyone else. So far, only Sean and I knew about this big secret that would test the love and loyalty of everyone....


1 comment:

Justin Zirnheld said...

very nice the twist u added seems to heat the action between the group dynamics well though your detail on the zombie fights seems to lacking add a bit more detail in the fight scenes but other then that it's great and i didn't see any spelling errors though i didn't check grammer.