Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Track Meet Results

Well I have found what I think shall be my races and events for next year track. Because today was just awesome!! Although we came in second in the 4 x 800 relay, we still got varsity points for it!! I think we got like 6 but I am not sure. Also in my high hurdle race which was on report call (AKA GET YOUR ASS DOWN TO THE START OR ELSE) like 3 minutes before I finished the relay. It was kinda hard, but kinda easy at the same time. I could have sworn I finished at the same time as a friend of mine who DID cross the finish line at the same time as I did!! I mean our foots went THUMP in unison on the line at the same time!!! But my timer was a bitch and started it too early so my time was off. Oh well, what does it matter lol I was a non-scoring runner being on JV so ya. Also with the low hurdles, I didnt do worse than my last meet but I didn't improve either. But knowing I can stay in the same time range every time marks that I am getting stronger!! Plus as a bonus, the Cross Country coach wants me to run for Cross Country!! lol I am so up for it!! >:D He and my grandfather are really great friends, so it helps with him not only have seen me run but having that good word in too! Also my grandpa being Mr. Softball Hall of Fame Coach is going to train me and get me ready for it because he knows that I can run something like this, but he also knows that I should have a bit more guidance in how to spend my energy while running. So its going to be fun!! After Cross Country I am going to try out for Volleyball if they are not at the same time, and hopefully have some fun with that!! Well I had an awesome day so I am in a very good mood!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Maybe A Little Misunderstanding Tyler..

I didn't mean I wanted to die. Just maybe when I die I can be happy. AND OMG!! You are so an awesome person!! I wish I could be as awesome as you!! You have soo many really good friends and you are so beautiful!! I KNOW for DAMN sure that you are going to find that someone in your life because you are such an awesome person to know! I dont think I could have gotten through alot of things without you!! I know that alot of people are jealous of our friendship because you are so loyal to your friends and always there for them!!! Sure you might be a bit shy, but like the saying goes "Actions speak louder than words." and you my friend, have the loudest most beautiful voice I have ever heard when it comes to being such an awesome friend!!! lol whenever I am chasing morgan around with a knife you will be the one running behind me with another knife yelling : "USE THIS ONE ITS BIGGER!!!! >:D" Your the one friend who understands my past, belives in my future and accepts me the way I am! So I am saying thank you to you, my very awesome friend! And may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why Do I Always Seem To Find All Of Life's Gutters?

Yeah :( I am not feeling all to great. I just saw my manwhore ex making out with his whore earlier today and it really hurt me emotionally. I understand that I should be over this by now, but it really got to me. I mean idk if some of you guys would get it, but he has a piece of my heart that I dont think I could ever get back now. He was IN FACT my first kiss and I his but that one night, when we kissed goodbye and held each other close, I could feel how his heart like mine, was fluttering like a butterfly in a bird cage. That moment took that tiny piece of my heart like a game of operation and just like trusting a five year old not to draw on a wall with markers, he lost that tiny part of me. I have tried for so long to get over it but nowdays, it seems like on the outside I can stand tall without falter, but inside I am crumbling into pieces like a cookie that lay on the sidewalk only to be stepped on. I now feel like a melancholy Romeo crying out over his unrequieted love for Rosaline in the unmistaken board game of life. I currently like 2 guys at the moment but like Romeo I cry out about such an unrequieted love such as mine. Both guys only like me as a really good friend but as nothing more. I cant seem to find myself a new boyfriend even though I have tried some very drastic measures. I am trying to get in touch with my more "girly-girl" side wearing more makeup and skirts and such. But alas, that didn't work either. I have even considered trying out for the wrestling team to maybe perhaps meet a cool guy. A friend of mine in my art class even recommended that I join. I also know that next year, is going to be a living hell for me. All the snob mobs are coming to CDO and OF COURSE they are going to try everything they possibly can to ruin any slim chance I have of getting a guy. Not only that but a haunting of the past that still follows me today will be surging onward into the minds of the twisted beauties only to pass like a virus into a computer mainstream. I still have yet to live it down. It started from what 2ND GRADE? But even still, sometimes it makes me wonder... Can the ugly duckling truely grow into the adored swan? Even now I begin to wonder: "What is so horribly wrong with me that I have to be the walking targetboard?" "Sure I catch lizards and call 'em cute. And sure I would call any cockroach adorable anyday. But what is normal without one being true to oneself?" I hate the fact that even though I have done many things some freshman wouldnt even consider doing their freshman year like track and hurdles, that the saying "You can't keep running from your past." applies to me. I mean, I grew up suffering. I never could find a day where I didnt grab my bike and ride out into the middle of the desert just to watch the sunset and find myself lost in the moment, forgetting the very person I am. But now all I can do is watch and cry, and wonder when I will ever have a moment of true happiness that I could look onto to brighten up my day at any time I wanted. Or as a wise Charlie Brown said: "I THINK I am afraid to be HAPPY because whenever I get TOO happy, something BAD always happens"
This gets to me alot, becuase I feel like I am not meant to be happy. That I am meant to be the wimpy girl that avoids crowds and has such a lame backstory that nobody wants to hear her out. That SHE the weird one shall never have a swan-like glory to her. That she is to remain a walking targetboard to all those who know her story, and to write sad melancholy stories in which the main female heroine dies by all such, the same weary hand of death by love and murder. To be tossed to the ocean and forgotten by all who surpass her. Maybe one day I can have my swan moment. But with my life as hectic as it is, I don't think that will be happening ever in my lifetime. Perhaps when I die? To be glad to be rid of the world and all of its spite to those deemed unworthy of happiness. Maybe perhaps I shall write of this in an intricate murder romance, taking place in this vey world and exact location. But of what to call it I have no clue. The call of the siren has not yet come to surpass me and whisper ideals into my emptiness. But for now, I heed the call of sleep. O' the sweet siren of slumber.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Last Few Track Meets

Yeah. Track season is about to end for me. I am not going to regionals because I am a JV runner, but thats all the more practice for next year!! After this, I am going to try out Cross Country. I need the extra running to stay in shape and I can get those awesome ABS that I always wanted and I hear its alot of fun! Plus as a bonus, I can get the stamina I need to run longer distance races NO SWEAT lol. I can already kinda sprint and hurdles are semi easy for me. SO WHY NOT LOL?!

Sick Yet Again

Yup, same thing as last time, except it's worse this time. Sometimes I cant even get out of bed my head hurts so bad. O get the shivers when its 90 degrees outside and now I have minor symptoms of the Flu. WTF!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Hate Being Sick!

Yup I cant believe it! I was just fine at school but when I got home yesterday, I got a sudden random migraine and slight fever! I thought it would get better in the morning but it didn't, it got worse!! Now I have the migraine and the fever along with me not quite being able to stand! Dont ask me why, because idk! On top of all that, my back is hurting a whole hell of alot! OMG what the hell did I do to deserve this?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Homie Tyler!

Yup she is one of my bestest friends and even though se moved to nevada, her and I still talk to each other! And check it out!! She has her own blog here too! Check it out!!

About Me By Request

ABOUT ME: Hi I am Shay and by request, a friend of mine asked for me to put a little bit about myself up.

I am 15 years old.

A freshman in high school.

I run track and I am on the JV hurdle crew.

I run both the 100 meter high hurdles and the 300 meter low hurdles.

I like sci-fi

I am a Red vs Blue watcher.

Proud wanna-be member of the Blue Team

All Hail Caboose!!

Grif is my role model.

I like reading muder mysteries!

The Warriors By Erin Hunter is one of my favorite series

I love the Alien vs Predator books (That have absolutely NOTHING to do with the movies)

I have awesome friends!

I like my best guy friend. But he doesnt like me.

I watch shows like Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon.

I Like to draw.

Gaming, Lag, and Jerkwads

Ok so I was playing Alien vs Predator, and I was being nice and innocent and of course, some jerkwad had to have issues with me because apparently my connection to the game server wasn't good enough for them and they thought that they were so cool trying to cuss me out and kick me from the server. Little did they know that one of my gaming clan buddies was the admin and they got kicked out. But when they came back I totally kicked their butt with total pwnage!!! HAHA that dude is an EPIC FAIL!!

Hurdles, Track, and Crushes

Well so far in my freshman year I think I have made quite the starting impact. I tried out for soccer, and I didn't make it; but I didn't give up! I went out yet again a few weeks later and began pre season conditioning for track. Today I am going strong in track, running in the JV heats jumping both high and low hurdles. As for crushes however, I like my best friend. He knows I like him but he doesn't like me. I just hope that one day I can find a guy who will return the favor and isn't a total perv.