Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Track Meet Results

Well I have found what I think shall be my races and events for next year track. Because today was just awesome!! Although we came in second in the 4 x 800 relay, we still got varsity points for it!! I think we got like 6 but I am not sure. Also in my high hurdle race which was on report call (AKA GET YOUR ASS DOWN TO THE START OR ELSE) like 3 minutes before I finished the relay. It was kinda hard, but kinda easy at the same time. I could have sworn I finished at the same time as a friend of mine who DID cross the finish line at the same time as I did!! I mean our foots went THUMP in unison on the line at the same time!!! But my timer was a bitch and started it too early so my time was off. Oh well, what does it matter lol I was a non-scoring runner being on JV so ya. Also with the low hurdles, I didnt do worse than my last meet but I didn't improve either. But knowing I can stay in the same time range every time marks that I am getting stronger!! Plus as a bonus, the Cross Country coach wants me to run for Cross Country!! lol I am so up for it!! >:D He and my grandfather are really great friends, so it helps with him not only have seen me run but having that good word in too! Also my grandpa being Mr. Softball Hall of Fame Coach is going to train me and get me ready for it because he knows that I can run something like this, but he also knows that I should have a bit more guidance in how to spend my energy while running. So its going to be fun!! After Cross Country I am going to try out for Volleyball if they are not at the same time, and hopefully have some fun with that!! Well I had an awesome day so I am in a very good mood!!


AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

sounds like fun good job cheyenne yays im glad you like track if your good at it yays go cheyenne

Justin Zirnheld said...

I still think that your an EPIC FAILURE but i hav to say that u did a good job